Doing a doctorate in Germany

The awarding of a doctoral degree by a university is known as a doctorate. It takes place as part of a specific procedure lasting several years, during which doctoral candidates demonstrate their ability to carry out independent academic work. Once the examinations have been successfully completed and all formal requirements have been met, the university or faculty responsible awards the academic degree of “Doctor”. The doctorate involves writing a scientific paper, the dissertation, and defending it in a type of examination. Many universities also offer structured doctoral programmes that include special courses and supervision structures. An alternative option is a… Read More

What to do in accidents involving wild animals?

It happened at 6.40 a.m. on the country road to Reusten: a shadow, a bang and hair from a deer in the radiator grille. The driver looked around. But there was no sign of an injured animal anywhere. He drove on to work and only called the police from there. Such accidents are not uncommon. Around 300,000 wild animals, from hares to wild boars, are hit or run over every year in Germany. What should drivers do if an animal runs into their path? Experts say: brake and hold on to the steering wheel, risk a collision instead of swerving… Read More

Payment card: data is only estimated

It already exists in the Ortenau district in Baden. It is also due to be introduced in the Zollernalb district at the beginning of April: the payment card. Depending on the specific version, asylum seekers and tolerated persons will no longer receive cash from the authorities. However, this does not apply to refugees from Ukraine, as they receive citizen’s benefits. With the new regulation, the federal and state governments want to make it no longer possible to transfer money to the home countries and possibly use it to pay smugglers. Those who fall under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act will… Read More

For peaceful coexistence

“Our towns and municipalities are democratic, cosmopolitan and diverse. That is our strength and that is what we stand for”: This was declared by Tübingen District Administrator Joachim Walter and all the mayors of the towns and municipalities in the district of Tübingen. They are concerned about peaceful coexistence and the danger posed by extremism—regardless of whether it comes from the right or the left or is anti-Semitic. It is important to the signatories of the declaration to “personally stand up for democracy and to take a clear and unambiguous stance and position against extremist statements”. They know “how important… Read More

tünews provides facts about the elections on 9 June

Citizens have a lot to decide this year. On Sunday, 9 June, as every five years, there will be local elections in Baden-Württemberg as well as European elections. Many refugees are now German citizens. They can go to the polls or vote by post. Since 2014, 16 and 17-year-olds have also been allowed to vote in local elections in Baden-Württemberg. They can have a say in who should represent their interests on the municipal council, local council and district council in the 1101 towns and municipalities and 35 districts in Baden-Württemberg. In the elections to the European Parliament (European elections),… Read More

Careers advice: Workshop for girls

For Girls Day on April 25, the Reutlingen Careers Information Center (BIZ) is inviting girls aged 13 and over to a workshop. During the “Careers advice to go”, the schoolgirls will gain insights into four companies in the fields of crafts and technology, reports the Reutlingen Employment Agency. “For a whole morning, the schoolgirls discover the variety of professions with the careers advisors from the Federal Employment Agency”, the press release continues. Registration is now open at The workshop will take place on Thursday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at BiZ, Ulrichstraße 38 in Reutlingen. As… Read More

Help with (work) accidents

A fall on your bike on the way to work, a mishap during sports lessons at school or an allergy to a certain substance at work: these are all cases for the employers’ liability insurance association (BG). They are the statutory accident insurance institutions and are therefore responsible for work and commuting accidents as well as occupational illnesses. The BG ensures that the person concerned receives good medical care and, in serious cases, rehabilitation and financial support. There are employers’ liability insurance associations for various sectors of the private sector. In the public sector, the accident insurance funds or the… Read More

Compulsory measles vaccination: Refusers face a fine

Parents who send their children to school without a measles vaccination or without having survived a measles infection are threatened with a fine of 200 euros in the district of Tübingen. This was confirmed by the press spokeswoman of the district office at the request of Tünews International. “We are currently in the process of initiating the first fine proceedings,” says spokesperson Martina Guizetti. Most recently, there were still 268 open cases in the entire district. However, the majority of the 1351 reports to the public health department, which came from daycare centers, schools, medical facilities or collective accommodation, have… Read More

No special student Germany ticket yet

The Naldo transport association does not yet offer a discounted Germany ticket specifically for students. This was confirmed by Naldo spokeswoman Anne Lohmüller at the request of Tünews International. However, there are already discounts for under 27-year-olds—sepecially those enrolled at universities. The student version of the Deutschlandticket has been in force on paper since April. If the regulation were implemented locally, the ticket would then cost 29.40 euros. The regular price in the city of Tübingen is 34 euros, outside the city it is 49 euros. However, the introduction must be applied for, says the Naldo spokesperson: “The student representatives… Read More

Cannabis legal for adults

Adults have been allowed to smoke weed in Germany since 1 April—if they comply with certain rules. The Bundestag and Bundesrat have decided that the possession of 25 grams of dried cannabis is permitted in public. At home, anyone over the age of 18 may even possess 50 grams. Smoking is also permitted in public, but not within 100 metres of schools, daycare centres, youth centres or sports facilities. Smoking pot is also prohibited in pedestrianised areas between 7am and 8pm. Young people are still not allowed to smoke or possess marijuana or cannabis. Dealing also remains prohibited. Anyone who… Read More

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