Stricter rules for unvaccinated

Starting Wednesday, November 3rd, the warning level is in effect in Baden-Württemberg. It goes into effect when 250 or more corona patients are in intensive care within two consecutive working days statewide. Stricter rules apply for unvaccinated people during the warning level. One household can only meet with five other people. Vaccinated and recovered people, children and adolescents under 18, pregnant women as well as those who can’t get vaccinated due to medical reasons don’t count. Additionally, unvaccinated people need a negative PCR test in many closed rooms which is not older than 48 hours. Among these closed spaces are,… Read More

Dates for spontaneous vaccination in the District of Tübingen

More and more people are getting infected with the coronavirus – younger people included. Especially patients who have not been vaccinated are filling the intensive care units in hospitals. Because of this, the state of Baden-Württemberg is offering vaccination dates without registration, which will also be in the District of Tübingen. The first date is on Saturday, November 6th, in Rottenburg-Ergenzingen (11:15 am to 4:30 pm, at the former test station). The following dates are these: Sunday, November 7th, Mössingen (10 am to 3 pm, at the BäckStage), Wednesday, November 10th, Ammerbuch-Altingen (11 am to 1:30 pm, TSV Altingen), Wednesday,… Read More

New corona rules for employees and Christmas markets

Employees working in gastronomy and at events don’t have to wear masks anymore in certain cases, starting Thursday, October 28th. This applies if the business or event uses the 2G rule. With this rule, only fully vaccinated and recovered guests can enter. They don’t need a mask. Furthermore, the employees have to voluntarily give their employer proof of vaccination or recovery. This is written in the current amendments of the corona decree of Baden-Württemberg. The regulations for Christmas markets can also be found there. Vaccinated and recovered people as well as those with a negative rapid test result can consume… Read More

Rapid tests in Entringen free of charge

The German Red Cross (DRK) Ammerbuch is offering Corona quick tests in Entringen every day in October, according to the DRK. At the test centre in Rollengasse 10, for example, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, children and adolescents up to and including 17 years of age, anxiety patients and holders of a district bonus card can have themselves tested free of charge and receive a certificate. All others can also take a quick test with a certificate. However, they have to pay 15 euros for it. Appointments can only be booked online at… Read More

Unvaccinated people have to stay outside in the 2G-model

The state government of Baden-Württemberg has changed its corona regulations. It is in effect starting Friday, October 15. The vaccination coverage is “still not high enough,” according to the state government. Consequently, not all restrictions can be lifted. Especially unvaccinated people fall seriously ill and have to get admitted to the hospital. Restrictions will only be loosened for vaccinated and recovered people. This is new: Organizers of concerts, theaters and city festivals as well as service providers (for example gastronomy and hairdressers) and distributors may operate under the 2G-model, if they want to. This means that they can decide to… Read More

Free Corona tests continue in Tübingen and Rottenburg

Baden-Württemberg will end free Corona tests on Monday, 11 October—except, for example, for children under twelve and people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. Tübingen and Rottenburg are going their own way. In both cities, everyone continues to be tested free of charge. However, only those who are entitled to free rapid tests receive the written proof of the test (see above). In addition, in Tübingen and Rottenburg, unlike in the rest of the country, holders of the district bonus card and anxiety patients with a doctor’s certificate also receive a test certificate. Visitors to old people’s homes are… Read More

Vaccination campaigns in the districts of Tübingen and Böblingen

From Thursday to Saturday, the mobile vaccination team from the university hospital Tübingen will be in Hirrlingen, Bodelshausen and Böblingen. This was announced in a press release by the hospital. People who want to get vaccinated against the coronavirus for free, can go there by showing their ID without having to make an appointment. Booster vaccinations are also possible. The vaccines Biontech/Pfizer and Janssen (“Johnson&Johnson”) are available. Only one vaccination is needed for the Janssen vaccine. These are the exact dates for the vaccination bus: Thursday, October 7, at the Schlossweiherplatz Hirrlingen, Am Schloss, from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm… Read More

Vaccination center Tübingen closed from October 1st

In the entire state of Baden-Württemberg, vaccination centers will be closed as of October 1, the Tübingen District Office announced in a press release. This also applies to the vaccination center Tübingen in the Old Archaeology, Wilhelmstraße 9. All vaccination appointments after October 1 are canceled without replacement, even if you have received a confirmation by e-mail. Therefore, anyone who has a vaccination appointment for the time after October 1 at a vaccination center has to have a new appointment arranged in a doctor’s office. Those who do not have a family doctor can search for medical practices in the… Read More

Vaccination recommendation also for pregnant women and nursing mothers

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also be vaccinated against the corona virus. This has been announced by the Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch Institute in a current recommendation. Likewise, all women who want to have children should also be vaccinated against Covid-19. For all these groups, two vaccinations with the approved mRNA vaccines from BioNTech / Pfizer or Moderna are recommended. Pregnant women who have not yet been vaccinated or not fully vaccinated should be vaccinated in the second trimester of pregnancy. Dr. Marianne Röbl-Mathieu, resident specialist in gynecology and obstetrics and STIKO member, emphasized in… Read More

Compulsory wearing of masks at schools continues/Three tests per week

Pupils in Baden-Württemberg must continue to wear masks. This was decided by the Ministry of Education. Actually, this rule was only supposed to apply for a fortnight after the summer holidays. Now the mask requirement has been extended indefinitely. In this way, the ministry wants to allow the in-person lessons to continue. However, there are exceptions: No masks have to be worn in physical education classes, in music classes if singing or playing a wind instrument there, when eating and drinking and during breaks outside. In addition, the current changes as of 27 September provide for pupils to have three… Read More

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