Tübingen increases penalties for littering

After warm summer nights, popular places in Tübingen’s old town, such as the Holzmarkt, look like garbage dumps. People throw a lot on the ground that doesn’t belong there. This is called wild garbage. In a month, 30 to 40 tons of wild garbage accumulate. Anyone who throws away chewing gum, cigarette butts or glass bottles illegally and is caught has to pay for it. A new catalog of fines has been in force in Tübingen since July 1 this year. “Increased controls and higher fines are intended to help make the city cleaner,” writes the city’s press office in… Read More

Annual Report 2022 on Discrimination in Germany

In 2022, there were a total of 8,827 requests for advice on discrimination to the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (ADS) in Germany. Compared to the previous year, the number of inquiries thus increased by 14 percent, and more than doubled compared to 2019. This is according to the annual report 2022, which the Independent Federal Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Ferda Ataman, presented this week. With a share of 43 percent of inquiries, people most often reported racial discrimination. 27 percent of the cases related to discrimination on the basis of disability, 21 percent because of gender. 10 percent of the inquiries were about… Read More

Tips for saving energy

Energy is becoming more and more expensive. That’s why it pays to use less electricity, gas or oil at home. Tips on saving energy are available at an event on Friday, July 14, in Mössingen. From 1 to 5 p.m., experts will provide information at a campaign stand at the Mössinger Tafel (Freiherr-vom-Stein-Strasse 20). The experts will give practical advice on how to avoid high additional payments for energy. There is also a Ukrainian interpreter on site, writes the Tübingen district office in a press release. Anyone who has problems with high back payments can find multilingual information and the… Read More

Volunteering in Germany

In Germany, there are many ways to volunteer and help others—depending on your personal interests and abilities. One of them is the Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD): The BFD is a voluntary service that has existed in Germany since July 1, 2011. In the BFD, people of all ages (from 16 years of age) can voluntarily take on social tasks in institutions such as hospitals, old people’s and nursing homes, kindergartens, youth centers, help for the disabled, nature conservation or cultural institutions. The BFD usually lasts between 6 and 18 months, but can also be extended to up to 24 months. During their… Read More

Changes to EC cards

Bank customers with a Girocard (formerly EC card) must prepare for changes. From July of this year until the end of 2027, there will no longer be a Maestro or V-Pay function for new giro cards. However, the function will still be valid on old cards until the expiration date printed on them. These cards could be used to withdraw money from ATMs in Germany and abroad and to pay directly in stores. As a replacement, banks offer so-called debit cards. But: There are “again and again problems with the new means of payment,” writes the consumer center. This is… Read More

Caution when handling fire in the forest

High temperatures and almost no rain: This causes problems for nature. In the forest, the danger of fires is increasing. Therefore, foresters and forest owners in the district of Tübingen ask for caution. Fires in the forest may only be made at the special fireplaces at the official barbecue sites. Barbecue charcoal helps to reduce flying sparks in strong winds. The barbecue fire must always be under control and completely extinguished before leaving the site. A car should only be parked in designated parking areas. Hot catalytic converters, for example, could set meadows on fire. Smoking is generally prohibited in… Read More

Ukraine film series at Kino Atelier continues

The series of Ukrainian films at Tübingen’s Kino Atelier continues. Next up on Monday, July 3 at 6 p.m. is the film “My thoughts are silent” by filmmaker Antonio Lukich. The film series is part of the project “Live Fight Love Rebuild—The Realities of Life in Ukraine”. It was created to familiarize the local society with Ukrainian culture. The films are shown once a month in Ukrainian with English subtitles. The continuation of the film series was made possible by the cooperation of the Atelier cinema, the SonnenBlau initiative, the German-French Cultural Institute in Tübingen and the support of the… Read More

E-scooters are forbidden for children

E-scooters may only be ridden by children over the age of 14. This is regulated by the ordinance for miniature electric vehicles. For children under the age of 14, the small scooters, which can travel at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour, are therefore prohibited in road traffic. It is very important to make sure that the e-scooter has an operating permit. A list of approved models can be found, for example, on the ADAC website: https://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/elektromobilitaet/elektrofahrzeuge/e-scooter/. Because e-scooters are considered motor vehicles, liability insurance is required. This is evidenced by a sticker that is affixed to the… Read More

Tips for protection against heat

Dizziness, headaches, exhaustion, nausea and vomiting: These can be consequences of great heat if the body is not yet accustomed to it. Particularly at risk are babies, small children, but also the chronically ill and the elderly if they take certain medications or drink too little. This was pointed out by Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Health Manfred Lucha. The Ministry of Health has published a series of tips on how to behave: stay in cool rooms, especially during the midday heat, and generally in the shade if possible. Postpone outdoor activities until cooler hours. Drink enough and eat only light meals.… Read More

Parking in Tübingen: With ticket or resident parking permit

In downtown Tübingen and in most parts of the city, only residents are allowed to park without a parking ticket. However, they then need a resident parking permit. All other drivers must pay a fee at the parking ticket machine—or park their car in a parking garage. Such a regulation also exists in many other German cities, for example in Reutlingen. Further information and a map of the parking zones for Tübingen citizens can be found on the city’s website. https://www.tuebingen.de/verwaltung/verfahren#bewohnerparkausweis. There is also the online form for the resident parking permit. There are four parking zones in the university… Read More

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