Volunteering in Germany

In Germany, there are many ways to volunteer and help others—depending on your personal interests and abilities. One of them is the Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD): The BFD is a voluntary service that has existed in Germany since July 1, 2011.
In the BFD, people of all ages (from 16 years of age) can voluntarily take on social tasks in institutions such as hospitals, old people’s and nursing homes, kindergartens, youth centers, help for the disabled, nature conservation or cultural institutions.
The BFD usually lasts between 6 and 18 months, but can also be extended to up to 24 months. During their service, volunteers receive a monthly allowance and social security benefits. In addition, seminars are offered to prepare volunteers for their tasks and to promote their personal development.
The schedule of the Federal Volunteer Service can vary depending on the type of placement and the individual agreement between the volunteer and the placement.
There are also programs for 16- to a maximum of 27-year-olds:
Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ): The FSJ is aimed in particular at young people and offers the opportunity to get involved in social institutions such as hospitals, schools, retirement homes or cultural institutions.
Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr (FÖJ): The FÖJ is a variant of the FSJ that focuses on ecological commitment. Here, young people can work in environmental protection projects, nature reserves or environmental education institutions.
Europäischer Freiwilligendienst (EFD): The EVS enables young people to volunteer in another European country for a certain period of time. The areas of assignment include social, cultural, environmental or sports projects.
Further information also in easy language under https://www.bundesfreiwilligendienst.de and to BFD and social year https://www.bundes-freiwilligendienst.de/fsj-freiwilliges-soziales-jahr/



Das Landestheater in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.






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