Stores closed over Easter

Easter is just around the corner and with it a long weekend. Good Friday, April 7, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, April 9 and 10, are public holidays in this country. On these holidays, all businesses are closed and government offices are closed. So anyone who still needs to shop for eggs or Easter dinner should hurry. However, there is still the possibility to do your shopping on Saturday. From Tuesday, all stores and authorities are then open again regularly. tun23040504 Ostern. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL. 001231

A blanket ban on headscarves in the workplace is not legally permissible

A general ban on headscarves in the civil service, for example for female judges, teachers or police officers, is not constitutionally permissible. The Federal Constitutional Court confirmed this once again in January 2023 and did not allow a lawsuit by the state of Berlin. Such a ban is currently still in force in Berlin, and this law must now be amended. How the legal situation is in the private sector, the “Mediendienst Integration” has currently compiled. According to this, the ban on wearing a headscarf in the workplace violates the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). Wearing a headscarf may also… Read More

Cell Broadcast: Alarm directly to the cell phone

In the event of severe storms, floods, a chemical accident or a dangerous major fire, the population has also been warned by cell broadcast since February 23 of this year. All cell phones and smartphones logged into the affected radio cells receive alerts with a short message and a beep. “With no other warning channel can we reach more people directly,” writes the responsible Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). Nevertheless, sirens continue to wail in some places, the police drive through the town with loudspeaker trucks and there are warnings via app or on the radio.… Read More

Apply for Bürgergeld digitally

Since January of this year, the citizen’s income has replaced the previous unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV). Since then, the citizen’s income can be applied for digitally, but also still in writing by mail at the responsible job center. Detailed information on the new regulations can be found at the German Federal Employment Agency under the link There you can read, for example, what the requirements for the citizen’s income are and how much financial support is available. On this page, there is a button “Apply for Citizen’s Income” to sign up or register for the electronic service. In… Read More

High energy costs: help in cases of hardship

Tübingen residents who are threatened by poverty can get financial help. It is about their energy costs—especially back payments for heating and electricity. Single people can get a one-time grant of 600 euros, households with several people can get up to 1000 euros. The subsidy depends on the energy costs and the personal financial circumstances of those seeking assistance, but is independent of the energy supplier. Financial assistance is available if income is below certain limits, if there are hardly any assets and no other state benefits are possible. The city and the Stadtwerke Tübingen have created a hardship fund… Read More

Entitlement to household help

Anyone who is no longer able to run their household due to illness, pregnancy, childbirth or a cure can apply to the health insurance fund for household help. This is possible under the following conditions: The applicant belongs to a statutory health insurance fund and needs a medical certificate. No one else living in the family can take over the household management. A child under 12 years of age or a disabled child lives in the household. However, this is not necessary in the case of complaints during pregnancy or after birth. Household help can also be applied for by… Read More

Check entitlement to child supplement

Families with low incomes are entitled to the child supplement in addition to the child benefit. This is up to 250 euros per month per child. If there are several children, a total amount is paid. However, only about a third of those entitled have applied for the child supplement so far. This was the response of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs to a question from the Left Party in the Bundestag. Whether families or single parents receive a child supplement depends, among other things, on the gross income of the parents or guardians—at least 900 euros (couples) or… Read More

A brake on energy prices

The enormous increase in energy costs is a heavy burden. That is why the Bundestag and Bundesrat have passed a law: The price brakes for gas, district heating and electricity have been in force since March 1. They also apply retroactively for January and February of this year and for the time being until the end of 2023. This means for customers of the energy suppliers: 80 percent of their electricity consumption forecast in September 2022 they will receive at a price of 40 cents per kilowatt hour. 80 percent of the forecast gas consumption will be capped at 12… Read More

One-time energy payment for students

Starting in mid-March, students and technical students will be able to apply for the 200 euro flat-rate energy payment. They can already apply for the required access data for the portal. For this application, students need a BundID. To obtain this, either an ID card with online function, or an Elster certificate is required. The BundID can then be applied for using an app on the cell phone. Only with the BundID and an access of the respective university, the lump sum can be requested from mid-March. When exactly the money will be paid out, however, is still unclear. The… Read More

Future opening hours of municipal daycare centers in Tübingen

Starting in the 2023/2024 kindergarten year, Tübingen’s daycare centers (Kitas) will temporarily have new opening hours. The adjustment is being made because there is currently a shortage of specialist staff at the facilities. “The current staffing situation leaves us no choice but to temporarily shorten opening hours. In return, we can offer parents more reliability again,” says Mayor Boris Palmer. Those affected can find out about the guaranteed opening hours and the number of groups planned for the new kindergarten year at tun23021503 Viele Kinder verbringen ihre Freizeit auf Spielplätzen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Nora Stöber. 000610

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