Work and integration: ZDF filmed at tünews

Refugees should be obliged to work, if necessary on a voluntary basis. This is what the district councils in Baden-Württemberg are demanding. There is criticism of this: among other things, legal regulations and bureaucracy prevent refugees from getting a job. A ZDF television crew interviewed Tübingen’s district administrator Joachim Walter, who is also president of the Landkreistag. “Work is still a factor for successful integration,” Walter said. That is why the ban on working that applies to many refugees must be abolished. The ZDF team also filmed in the editorial office of tünews INTERNATIONAL for its report. Eva Schiller, head… Read More

New residence opportunities for asylum seekers in employment or with training

Asylum seekers whose asylum application has not yet been decided on are to be given a “change of track” to facilitate their integration in Germany by means of a right of residence. This is provided for in the revised Skilled Workers Immigration Act, which was passed in the Bundestag and Bundesrat in July. Anyone who is working or has a job offer as a skilled worker and has a recognised vocational qualification can withdraw their asylum application and receive a residence permit. However, this so-called change of track only applies to people who have applied for asylum by 29 March… Read More

Problems of refugees in the health care system

A scientific study shows: Refugees often cannot cope with the German healthcare system. This is the result of an analysis by the medical faculty of the Charité in Berlin. The reasons are primarily language barriers and a lack of information about health care structures. “Many affected people do not know, for example, that the family doctor’s office is the central point of contact.” Furthermore, in addition to language barriers, a lack of time and a lack of medical professionals also caused problems. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs and Health wrote in a press release. The ministry commissioned the study… Read More

Open letter from lawyers: The right to protection must not be abolished

In an open letter to the members of the German government, the members of the German Bundestag and the minister presidents of the German states, more than 700 lawyers and jurists oppose the so-called “asylum compromise” of the EU, which the German government has agreed to. The EU interior ministers had thus agreed on a reform of the European asylum system. The signatories of the letter see in it the “most massive tightening of refugee law in decades”. The plans of the EU and the German government would dismantle the asylum procedure and turn it into a fast-track procedure in… Read More

Never before have so many people been on the run

Never before have so many people been on the run as now. This is shown by the figures of the current Global Trends Report 2022 of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). According to the report, 108.4 million people were fleeing worldwide at the end of 2022. This figure includes refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons and other people in need of international protection. 40 percent of all refugees are children. In total, this means 19 million more people are fleeing their homes than at the end of 2021—an increase of 21 percent. This is the largest increase in one year… Read More

Fit for forms and offices

Forms are often difficult to understand. German bureaucracy is also quite complicated. In both cases, there is now help. “Form Coaching—Fit for Forms and Authorities” is the name of the new service offered by Café Sozial in Tübingen. Volunteers and employees of the city’s department of assistance for refugees are at Café Sozial (Derendinger Straße 50) every Tuesday between 4:30 and 6:30 pm. There, refugees who have been living in Tübingen for some time and speak some German can receive support—for example, to fill out applications, use online services, understand letters from authorities correctly and get an overview of their… Read More

Certificate of fiction: Mail from Tübingen Foreigners’ Office counts as proof of application

In Tübingen, expired residence permits should actually be valid until the end of January 2024. The city had stipulated this in a general decree. This special path is illegal. The order is no longer valid. All those who now apply for an extension after their residence permit expires need a so-called fictitious certificate as proof of a legal stay in Germany. “As before, these certificates will be issued upon request,” the Tübingen Foreigners’ Office explained in a press release. Anyone who submits an application to the Foreigners’ Office before their residence permit expires can stay in Germany until a decision… Read More

Social workers: First point of contact for many questions

Without them, arriving in Germany would be even more difficult than it already is: the social workers of the specialized service for refugees at the district office. They are the first point of contact for people from all over the world seeking refuge in Tübingen County. In most cases, the men and women become active on their own initiative, because they know when refugees newly arrive in the district—for example Ukrainian refugees at the Hotel Convita in Rottenburg. As one of the social workers reports, they are also on site there two days a week to answer questions. Appointments can… Read More

Improving educational opportunities for immigrant families

The Tübingen Intercultural Network for Parents’ Education (INET for short) will receive a total of 25,398 euros in funding from the state for its “INET in Kitas” project in 2023 and 2024. The state Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Integration has already funded this project in 2021 and 2022. The INET network was founded in 2010. It aims to “improve educational and participation opportunities for migrant people.” More than 160 volunteers work with INET. One of them is Oula Mahfouz, an editorial member of tünews INTERNATIONAL. Oula Mahfouz knows both sides of the education system. She was a teacher… Read More

Former refugee BM in Ostelsheim

Ryyan Alshebl is the new mayor of the municipality of Ostelsheim in the district of Calw. Born in Syria, he trained as an administrator and was employed by the municipality of Althengstett. Of the 1359 valid votes, 55.4 percent were cast for him in the first round of voting. This is evident from the official final result, which the municipality has published on its homepage. Alshebl writes on his homepage that he fled Syria in 2015 at the age of 21, among other things to avoid having to do military service. He describes his situation: “It was the first time… Read More

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