The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is currently not making any decisions regarding Asylum applications from Afghans. The BAMF press office has that confirmed to tünews INTERNATIONAL on request. A reassessment would be made after evaluation of the update of the situation report on Afghanistan announced by the Federal Foreign Office. The existing management report from July 2021 is no longer valid due to the takeover of power by the Taliban.
The legal policy advisor at PRO ASYL Peter von Auer stated on request, that refugees from Afghanistan living in Germany who do not have the right to stay have become very insecure.
Afghan refugees with Duldung or a ban on deportation whose first asylum application was rejected could now submit a so-called follow-up application. Because through the takeover of power by Taliban all over Afghanistan, the political situation has fundamentally changed. This must be done within three months. But also these follow-up applications would not be processed at the moment. “In this respect, the approach of the BAMF has a very negative effect,” said von Auer. He said that no one could say at the moment when the new situation report of the Foreign Office would be published.
Abschiebung. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL.