Everyone who wishes to enroll their children in a day care center or nursery school in Tübingen must do so until the end of February 2021. The day care center years starts in September. The date until which parents have to accept the spot is provided in the acceptance letter. Detailed information about child day care in Tübingen (https://www.tuebingen.de/158.html) and the application procedures (www.tübingen.de/23418.html) are available on the internet. There, it is also possible to apply for a public or private childcare spot online or to download the application forms as paper. The Zentrale Anmeldestelle Kinderbetreuung (Central Application Office for Child Care, also ZAK) is responsible for the assignment of child care spots. Its contact information is: Bei der Fruchtschranne 5, 72070 Tübingen, 07071 2041456, zak@tuebingen.de
Viele Kinder verbringen ihre Freizeit auf Spielplätzen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.