Households receiving housing benefit, students with BAföG and quite a few trainees will receive a one-off subsidy for heating costs this year. The federal government has doubled the subsidy compared with the original plans because energy costs have risen so sharply. Recipients of housing allowance will receive 270 euros, and two-person households 350 euros. In addition, 70 euros is added for each additional person in the household. Students with BAföG and trainees with training allowance/training allowance who no longer live with their parents, as well as those receiving support for advancement with a maintenance allowance, receive 230 euros. The allowance for heating costs is automatically paid in the summer. As a rule, the heating cost or ancillary cost statements are then sent. In Baden-Württemberg alone, this affects more than 73,000 households that receive housing subsidies, according to Nicole Razavi, the state minister responsible. See
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Rauchende Schornsteine über den Dächern Tübingens. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.