Editorial: tünews-Ukraine

By Wolfgang Sannwald
The German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering has awarded tünews INTERNATIONAL a grant of 44,650 euros. We had submitted an application for the organisational development of tünews Ukraine. The grant was awarded on 25 August within the framework of the programme “EHRENAMT HILFT GEMEINSAM – ankommen, mitmachen, Gesellschaft gestalten”. At present, we are conducting workshops on the organisational development of tünews INTERNATIONAL. We are preparing structures that will enable us to better serve the information needs of refugees from Ukraine in addition to our existing activities. We have formed a preparatory team for this purpose. This team already publishes daily news in Ukrainian, German and English on our homepage in the category tünews UKRAINE. For 2023, we are striving to expand the news production for refugees from Ukraine and to increase its reach. For this we are still looking for interested coaches to volunteer.



Beim tünews-Workshop in Trossingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.


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