Resignation: initially no unemployment benefit

Anyone who wants to quit their job themselves should contact the Employment Agency beforehand. Then the employee can discuss everything with the agency’s specialists and register as a jobseeker after giving notice. Employees who give notice themselves must expect consequences. They receive a blocking period and no unemployment benefits during this blocking period. The blocking period usually lasts twelve weeks if the employee resigns without important reasons. Important reasons can be mobbing at work or sexual harassment at work. However, this must be proven. During the lockout period, the employment agency pays the contributions to health and long-term care insurance.… Read More

In last place: Germany as a host country for foreign professionals

In a recently published ranking of host countries for skilled workers, Germany is in 52nd and thus last place. 12,000 professionals from 192 nations took part in a survey conducted by “InterNations”, the world’s largest association of “expats”. This term is used to describe people who leave their home country to work abroad but do not emigrate. The best performers in this ranking are the so-called oil states of the Middle East, emerging countries in East Asia, as well as Estonia and Canada. Germany ranks at the bottom in all categories of the survey: Language (49th), digital infrastructure (48th), housing… Read More

Former refugee BM in Ostelsheim

Ryyan Alshebl is the new mayor of the municipality of Ostelsheim in the district of Calw. Born in Syria, he trained as an administrator and was employed by the municipality of Althengstett. Of the 1359 valid votes, 55.4 percent were cast for him in the first round of voting. This is evident from the official final result, which the municipality has published on its homepage. Alshebl writes on his homepage that he fled Syria in 2015 at the age of 21, among other things to avoid having to do military service. He describes his situation: “It was the first time… Read More

A blanket ban on headscarves in the workplace is not legally permissible

A general ban on headscarves in the civil service, for example for female judges, teachers or police officers, is not constitutionally permissible. The Federal Constitutional Court confirmed this once again in January 2023 and did not allow a lawsuit by the state of Berlin. Such a ban is currently still in force in Berlin, and this law must now be amended. How the legal situation is in the private sector, the “Mediendienst Integration” has currently compiled. According to this, the ban on wearing a headscarf in the workplace violates the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). Wearing a headscarf may also… Read More

Grants for start-ups

Refugees who are registered with the employment office may also be able to receive financial support from the employment agency if they want to start their own business. However, whether and which subsidies are possible through the employment agency can only be clarified in concrete individual cases in a discussion with the responsible mediator. They will also explain which requirements applicants must meet in order to have a chance of receiving funding. The first decisive factor is whether a potential company founder is receiving unemployment benefits or if he or she is receiving a citizen’s allowance. The job center is… Read More

Apply for Bürgergeld digitally

Since January of this year, the citizen’s income has replaced the previous unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV). Since then, the citizen’s income can be applied for digitally, but also still in writing by mail at the responsible job center. Detailed information on the new regulations can be found at the German Federal Employment Agency under the link There you can read, for example, what the requirements for the citizen’s income are and how much financial support is available. On this page, there is a button “Apply for Citizen’s Income” to sign up or register for the electronic service. In… Read More

Free seminar on setting up in business on March 18 and 19

Anyone who is interested in setting up a business and wants to become self-employed can register for a seminar that will take place on Saturday and Sunday, March 18 and 19, in each case all day from 9 a.m., at the Open Innovation Campus Westspitze, Eisenbahnstraße 1. The seminar deals with the three topic blocks business idea and business plan, administration and organization as well as financing of the Selbstständigkeit. In addition, interested parties will learn where they can get support. Participants will receive seminar documentation and a certificate of attendance. The seminar is free of charge. Registration is required… Read More

Refugees from Ukraine: More and more working

One year after the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, more than eight million Ukrainians are registered as refugees in European countries. A good one million of them live in Germany, reports the Integration media service. Because Ukrainians can move freely within the Schengen area and some have also returned, the figures are of limited significance. However, it is undisputed that many have already found jobs in Germany. On the anniversary of the start of the war, 1,066,951 refugees from Ukraine were registered in the German Central Register of Foreigners. Most of those who came were women (69 percent). Almost… Read More

Dual vocational training: a springboard to the world of work

Whether you’re a bricklayer, a baker or an office administrator: In order to work in these professions, you complete a dual vocational training program in Germany. During the training period, which lasts between two and three and a half years, the trainee alternates between the training company and the school. Every week, the trainees, colloquially known as “apprentices”, spend one or two days (depending on the educational institution) at a vocational school to learn the theory. On the other days, they work in the company. Apprentices are paid by the company for the duration of their training. Dual training is… Read More

How to become your own boss

Refugees are also thinking about becoming self-employed in Germany. On Wednesday, February 1, at 7 p.m., there will be an information event at the Volkshochschule Tübingen, Katharinenstraße 14, on all the questions associated with being one’s own boss. It is aimed specifically at people with experience of flight and migration. Under the heading “Self-employment and starting a business in Germany”, experts will provide information on the prerequisites and funding opportunities. The event is a cooperative project of the city’s department of assistance for refugees and the specialist service for refugees of the Tübingen district, the K.I.O.S.K. counseling center, kit Jugendhilfe… Read More

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