People in Iran die for freedom

By Ute Kaiser “Woman, life, freedom”—this slogan can now be heard not only in Iran, but all over the world. In Berlin, too, around 80,000 people recently took to the streets under the slogan of the Iranian women’s movement. They showed solidarity with the protests in Iran against the regime of the Shiite mullahs. The riots were triggered by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody in mid-September. Guards of the morality police had arrested the young Kurdish woman. She allegedly did not cover her hair according to the rules. Parents of young Iranian women fear for their… Read More

Financing your studies: BAföG also for refugees

Money from the state is not only available for German students: Refugees who have the prospect of remaining in Germany can also apply for benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act, or BAföG for short. This applies, for example, to recognized persons entitled to asylum , but also to people who live in Germany in accordance with §24 of the Residence Act – i.e. also to students who fled to Germany to escape the war in Ukraine. The Bafög maximum rate for students under 25 years of age is 812 euros per month. The application is submitted to the student… Read More

TV-contribution: Many do not have to pay

Many refugees who live in their own apartment are receiving mail from the public broadcaster’s contribution center these weeks. In it, they are asked to register for the broadcasting fees (formerly GEZ contribution). This is in accordance with German law, and the details can be found at It is important to respond to the letter quickly, because there is a possibility to be exempted from the fees if, for example, you receive social benefits. Asylum seekers, persons entitled to asylum, as well as refugees from Ukraine who live in Germany on the basis of §24 of the Residence Act… Read More

Mushrooms: Only pick what you know

Picking mushrooms in the forest is fun and easy on the household budget. What’s more, mushroom dishes are delicious. But deadly dangers also lurk in forests and meadows: Poisonous mushrooms. In the case of the Deathcap mushroom, one mushroom is enough to kill an adult. The mean thing: The Deathcap mushroom, as well as other poisonous mushrooms, can be confused with edible mushrooms if you are not really familiar with them. In addition, there are tasty mushrooms in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean that look very similar to the tuberous-leaf mushroom. That leads again and again to mushroom poisonings with… Read More

Only with measles vaccination in school or kindergarten

Children attending kindergarten or school in Germany must be vaccinated against measles. This results from the Measles Protection Act, which came into force in 2020. The vaccination requirement also applies to teachers, educators, medical personnel or daycare workers born after 1970. Refugees living in collective accommodation must also provide proof of measles vaccination after four weeks, the Federal Ministry of Health reports. Measles is one of the most contagious infectious diseases. They can result in severe consequences, in the worst cases leading to potentially fatal encephalitis. Vaccination offers the best protection against the disease and confers lifelong immunity. Parents must… Read More

Tips for the pitfalls of everyday life

From opening an account to locksmiths: The consumer advice center has summarized information for refugees on twelve areas of life in several languages. The non-profit association has published the details on the website of its federal association. In addition to texts in English, Arabic, Turkish and Farsi, there are also some translations into Ukrainian and Russian. The information is intended to help consumers find their way in everyday life in Germany, according to the homepage. Specifically, it covers opening a bank account, taking out insurance and advice before signing mobile phone contracts. The site also explains what to look out… Read More

Six want to be the boss in Tübingen’s town hall

Many candidates’ posters are currently hanging on the roadside in Tübingen. Two women and four men are running for mayor on Sunday, 23 October—including Boris Palmer, who has been in office for 16 years. Each term of office lasts eight years. The OB candidates will introduce themselves at a municipal information evening. The event begins on Wednesday, 5 October, at 7 p.m. in the Hermann-Hepper-Halle and will also be broadcast on the internet. Around 69,000 citizens of Tübingen are eligible to vote. They must be German citizens or citizens of a Member State of the European Union and at least… Read More

tünews INTERNATIONAL: Almost like the FAZ for refugees

By Wolfgang Sannwald “So this is practically a national newspaper, like the FAZ.” Baden-Württemberg’s Minister President Winfried Kretschmann did not shy away from big names during his editorial visit to tünews INTERNATIONAL on 16 August 2022, drawing a comparison with the renowned German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. With so much flattery, I could only smile: “Yes, exactly the right comparison, Mr Kretschmann …” However, six more follow-up questions from the head of the Baden-Württemberg government conveyed that we need to explain tünews INTERNATIONAL better. What makes tünews INTERNATIONAL tick cannot simply be described by comparisons, not even by a comparison with… Read More

How the Naldo semester ticket works

There is a special semester ticket for students for public transport. This can be found on the website of the transport association Naldo. The semester ticket costs 114.10 euros for one semester and is then valid for all buses and trains in the Naldo transport association. The area includes the districts of Tübingen, Reutlingen, Zollernalbkreis and Sigmaringen. The ticket is valid for as long as the semester lasts. Students can buy the semester ticket directly online via the website Semester tickets are also available at local public transport sales points in Tübingen and Reutlingen, at Omnibus Groß in Rottenburg… Read More

Wüste Welle—Open Day

The free radio station Wüste Welle and the editorial staff NewcomerNEWS are offering free (taster) workshops next Friday and Saturday, 07.10. and 08.10.2022. Participants will gain an insight into the basics of radio journalism, for example, or how to create their own programme. You can take different workshops individually and also participate without prior registration. Participation is open to all, newcomers from other countries are especially welcome. Info: tun22100601 Das Studio des Radios Wüste Welle in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.

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