Many educational paths after elementary school

By Majd Kanjou “Which secondary school is the best choice for our child?” That’s what many parents of a fourth-graders student in Baden-Württemberg are asking. Parents have various options as to which school they want to enroll their children in. Every autumn term, there are information evenings about the secondary schools. In the German education system, there are many different types of secondary schools like Hauptschule, Werkrealschule, Realschule, and Gemniysimshula. At the secondary school “Hauptschule” or “Werkrealschule”, students receive the school leaving certificate (Hauptschulabschluss) which is awarded after five years or the certificate (Werkrealschulabschluss) after six years, i.e. a middle… Read More

Scholarships and jobs for laboratory staff from Ukraine

Refugees from Ukraine who have worked as laboratory personnel in their home country can apply to the Faculty of Medicine at Tübingen University for support from an emergency fund. Further education and training scholarships are offered for 6 to a maximum of 12 months. If the conditions are right, there are also temporary jobs for laboratory and technical staff. Those wishing to apply must provide proof of appropriate training, speak at least English and provide evidence that they were at risk in their home country. A curriculum vitae is also required. Scholarship holders receive between 1,600 and 2,000 euros per… Read More

Grilling is allowed again at fireplaces

The risk of wildfires has decreased due to rain and lower temperatures. From Thursday, September 1st, you can grill again at the public fireplaces in Tübingen. The Tübingen district office announced this. The “No barbecue” signs installed in July are gradually being removed. For further information, please visit the following link: tun22090101 Grillverbote auf Grillplätzen wegen der starken Hitze. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mislina Kiymaz.

Buy tickets again: Buses and trains after the 9-euro ticket

September 1st will mark the end of the nine-euro ticket. Therefore, all passengers of buses and trains will have to buy a ticket again before departing. For refugees from Ukraine, there will be no more returning fees for local transport fares. The Association of German Transport Companies had already announced this in May. The cheapest way to get a ticket in Tübingen is for owners of the KreisBonusCard: they can buy a monthly pass for the TüBus for 15 euros. Alternatively, there are discounted tickets for four; Four tickets then cost only 5.20 euros, for children 2.60 euros. The pupil’s… Read More

Obligation to wear masks in public transport and medical practices extended

In Baden-Württemberg, masks must continue to be worn in doctors’ offices and on public transport (ÖPNV) until September 19. This was announced by the state government. Children under the age of seven do not have to wear a mask. The mask requirement also does not apply to people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons. They must prove this with a doctor’s certificate. In addition, the state government advises people to keep at least 1.5 meters away from other people and to wear a medical mask or an FFP2 mask in public indoor areas – for example, stores. See… Read More

The prospect of a permanent right of residence

Refugees who have been well integrated should have a better chance of staying. This was confirmed by Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann during his visit to the editorial team of tünews INTERNATIONAL in the district office of Tübingen on August 16, 2022. Refugees who have been earning their living for a long time but have only been tolerated so far should be given a secure status. “We agreed on this principle in the coalition,” said Kretschmann. The individual case is always checked. The new decree to the immigration authorities suggests that the Residence Act’s legal leeway should be used nationwide… Read More

Tips on saving energy and help with impending power cuts

The cost of energy is rising massively. Hot water, heating and electricity are becoming much more expensive. What can customers of energy suppliers do? Tips are given in a brochure published by the Baden-Württemberg Consumer Advice Centre for the district of Tübingen. In it, experts describe how to heat and ventilate properly and how to save money on washing, cooking, cooling, hot water consumption and electricity. The experts also provide information on what can be done if an electricity cut-off is imminent. They describe where and how help is available if the electricity is to be cut off – for… Read More

Change of legal status for Ukrainian refugees remains controversial

Joachim Walter, District Administrator of Tübingen, repeated his criticism of the so-called change of legal status for Ukrainian refugees on the occasion of Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann’s visit to the editorial office of tünews INTERNATIONAL on August 16 at the District Office in Tübingen. The change of legal status means that since June, refugees from Ukraine have been receiving social benefits in accordance with Social Code II. Previously, they received lower benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act. “In some cases, false incentives are also being set up,” Walter said. For this purpose, refugees who had already visited Italy, Spain,… Read More

Stiko recommends fourth vaccination from age 60

The Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) has updated its vaccination recommendation against corona. It now advises people aged 60 and older to receive a fourth vaccination – after two basic vaccinations and a booster or after two basic vaccinations and an illness from Corona. However, it should have been at least six months since the last vaccination or a Corona infection. The recommendation for a fourth vaccination also applies to children five years and older with certain diseases and an increased risk of a severe course. In addition, children and adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age should now… Read More

Housing benefit recipients receive subsidy for heating costs

The cost of energy is rising and placing a particular burden on people with low incomes. The state of Baden-Württemberg wants to support recipients of housing allowances. On September 1, they will receive a one-time subsidy for heating costs. The subsidy increases with the size of the household. Those who live alone and receive housing benefit will receive 270 euros. Households with two persons receive 350 euros. For each additional member of the household, there is 70 euros each. The money is paid out automatically without an application. Around 74,000 households in Baden-Württemberg are eligible. The ministry responsible expects the… Read More

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