Forgotten cities are a haven for Syrians fleeing from the war

By Youssef Kanjou Archaeological sites in Syria usually appear in the form of hill-like elevations called “Talls”. They came about because people in the region-built settlements and lived in them for a while. Then they were abandoned and destroyed. After some time, other people came to the same place to build new buildings. Thereby the place always became higher than its surroundings, because each settlement left its own layer. Sometimes remains of residences remained visible, such as walls, floors, and large stones. In north-western Syria there are many sites such as the archaeological villages, especially in the area between Aleppo… Read More

Basic income support for refugees from Ukraine as of June 1

Refugees from Ukraine are entitled to basic welfare benefits in Germany if they are registered, able to work, between 15 and 67 years old and in need of assistance. This was decided by the German government on April 7. According to the German Social Security Code (§ 9 SGB II), a person is in need of assistance if he or she is unable to secure his or her own livelihood or cannot do so sufficiently. Unemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II /Grundsicherung) helps people find work and ensures their livelihood. As of May 1, refugees from Ukraine can apply for unemployment… Read More

Mira: Help with trouble at work

The counseling center “Mira – Mit Recht bei der Arbeit” helps migrants who have problems at their workplace. It offers people who came to Germany from outside the EU support in integrating into the labor market. The nearest counseling center is in Stuttgart, but it is also possible to make an appointment in Tübingen. The counseling is free of charge. In recent years, many people have come to Germany, and many of them have managed to find a job. However, because some still have little language skills and are not familiar enough with German labor law, there are sometimes problems.… Read More

Ramadan schedule

By Oula Mahfouz This year, the month of Ramadan begins on April 2 and ends on May 2. Many Muslims celebrate the month of fasting with numerous rituals, prayers, and set meal and fasting times. But how do Muslims determine the daily start of the period of fasting and prayer that falls between the last meal before sunrise (Suhur) and the meal of breaking the fast in the evening (Iftar)? Islam follows the lunar calendar. A year in the lunar calendar has 354 days and not 365 days as in the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, the month of Ramadan shifts by… Read More

Colorful Easter eggs

Why are Easter eggs colorful? Children would be told: so that they can more easily find the eggs that the Easter Bunny hides for them in the green grass. But that’s just one story surrounding the brightly painted chicken eggs. Easter eggs, which are colorfully dyed in the week before the Christian Easter, have a long tradition in Christianity. Eggs have been considered a symbol of fertility there for many centuries. But how it came to egg coloring and thus to today’s “Easter eggs” is not clearly documented. There are several explanations. One of them, according to Wikipedia, says that… Read More

When the “blue passport” is not accepted …

By Michael Seifert Refugees cannot use their identity documents to have money sent from abroad via Western Union. They can, however, transfer money abroad. This was the experience of Leyla (name changed by the editors), a Syrian woman, who reports: “My brother, who lives in Scandinavia, wanted to send me 250 euros via Western Union. I went to the post office in Tübingen and presented my blue refugee passport to identify myself. The woman at the counter told me I couldn’t get money with that passport.” Those were the new rules, she said. The fact that one is allowed to… Read More

An ancient Greek coin from Ukraine bears witness to a war over 2000 years ago

By Stefan Krmnicek Anyone reading the news these days in March 2022 will hear about fierce fighting in the towns and villages along the river Southern Bug. As a wide stream, it forms a natural and thus militarily strategic barrier in the coastal area between the port cities of Odessa in the west and Kherson in the east. On the western bank of its river mouth lie the ruins of the ancient city of Olbia. This settlement was founded by Greeks from Miletus and served as a trading centre for the export of goods, such as grain and slaves, from… Read More

Subsidy for heating costs doubled

Households receiving housing benefit, students with BAföG and quite a few trainees will receive a one-off subsidy for heating costs this year. The federal government has doubled the subsidy compared with the original plans because energy costs have risen so sharply. Recipients of housing allowance will receive 270 euros, and two-person households 350 euros. In addition, 70 euros is added for each additional person in the household. Students with BAföG and trainees with training allowance/training allowance who no longer live with their parents, as well as those receiving support for advancement with a maintenance allowance, receive 230 euros. The allowance… Read More

“You can give us hope by welcoming us” – pictures from Moria

There are hardly any pictures of Moria and the other refugee camps on the Greek island of Lesbos because media representatives are not allowed access to the camps. At the Ethnological World Museum in Vienna, a small special exhibition was on display until 11 January, showing photos taken by refugees themselves to document their lives there. They also wrote texts to accompany the pictures. Tünews INTERNATIONAL has now succeeded in obtaining the rights for a photo reportage with a selection of these pictures. The pictures were taken as part of the media project “Now You See Me Moria”: Now You… Read More

A new EU directive applies to refugees from Ukraine

In early March 2022, the European Union (EU) activated the so-called “mass influx directive”. This directive grants a different status to people fleeing the war in Ukraine than to all asylum seekers who have previously fled to the EU. This was decided by the Justice and Home Affairs Council, abbreviated “JHA Council”, which is composed of the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs of all EU member states. It is the central decision-making body of the EU in matters of European home affairs and justice policy. The Mass Influx Directive was created in 2001 after the wars in the former… Read More

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