Sick leave on the phone extended until May 31

Patients with a mild cold can already take sick leave over the phone. This possibility is extended because of the continuing Corona infection danger by two months to 31. May. This was decided by the joint committee of physicians, health insurance companies and hospitals, as it now announced. Physicians in private practice must personally convince themselves of the patient’s condition by means of an in-depth telephone interview. Sick leave over the phone for minor upper respiratory illnesses is possible for up to seven days. It may be extended by telephone for an additional seven days. This special regulation is intended… Read More

Online guide for refugees from Ukraine

For Ukrainians who have arrived in Germany, there is a portal with information as well as information and tips on accommodation and medical care. The homepage of the Federal Ministry of the Interior is available in Ukrainian, Russian, English and German. This portal provides answers to questions on, for example, entry, registration, corona rules, residence, work, study and compulsory education for children. Under the heading Basic Information, reference is also made to search engines and portals that offer advice and support (mostly in Russian), such as the Doweria telephone counselling service or a special online legal advice service for… Read More

Sandy greetings from Sahara

Currently, warm air from North Africa is flowing into Germany. This air brings not only warmth, but also dust from the Sahara Desert. Anyone who has left their car outside will find it covered in a brownish powder. The German Weather Service has explained the scientific background of the phenomenon in its research documents. 90 percent of the Sahara dust consists of compounds of metals such as aluminum or iron, but clay, quartz or plaster are also present. When the wind is blowing strongly enough across the desert, it lifts particles from the surface. Particles that are small enough are… Read More

At least 17 wars in Europe since 1945

By Wolfgang Sannwald There have been at least 17 other wars in Europe since the end of the Second World War (1939-1945). The one between Russia and Ukraine is the most recent, lasting since 2014. The three Caucasus states Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, where there have also been several wars, are not included. According to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung (AKUF) at the University of Hamburg, Europe is one of the continents with the fewest wars worldwide. However, after 1945, Western states often took part in wars on other continents, above all Great Britain, the USA and France. The Hungarian peace researcher… Read More

Editorial: The war in Ukraine and us

By Wolfgang Sannwald There has been war in Ukraine since 2014. At the end of February 2022, Russia escalated this war by a large-scale attack. Several hundred thousand people are fleeing from there, mainly towards the European Union (EU). The editorial team of tünews INTERNATIONAL includes many colleagues who have fled to Germany themselves since 2015, including from Syria and Afghanistan. Information about the war in Ukraine affect them in a special way. And this information is pouring in on them not only via television programs, but around the clock via social media. Above all, images and sounds awaken memories… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Corona vaccination is effective

The vaccines against the coronavirus are tested and effective. This is also shown by successful vaccinations of millions of people, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen came to Germany five years ago from Syria. She worked as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination. She especially refers to the fact that the vaccine was tested as thoroughly as any other medication before its admission. Meanwhile millions of people have received the vaccination. For them, the vaccines worked well. Click here for the video… Read More

Hundreds of thousands flee the war in Ukraine

By Michael Seifert The Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered a huge wave of refugees. The number of people fleeing is increasing daily. According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, more than 1,3 million refugees (as of 4 March) have already crossed the Ukrainian borders into the EU and Moldova, including more than 750,000 into Poland alone. More than 130,000 have already travelled on from Ukraine’s neighbouring countries, including to Germany. The UNHCR estimates that up to four million of the approximately 40 million inhabitants will leave the country. That would be an even larger number than in 2015/16,… Read More

Between the cultures: a Greek coin from the Hindu Kush

By Stefan Krmnicek In our series about antique coins, today we would like to present in more detail an antique coin of the Indo-Greek king Menander I. from the coin collection of the Institute for Classic Archeology at the University of Tübingen. The coin is a so-called drachma, a coin of silver with a diameter of 17 mm and a weight of 2,41 g. On the obverse we see the draped bust of a man, shown in profile to the right, wearing a wide bandage in his hair, a so-called diadem. Two long ribbons hang down from the diadem to… Read More

“The Taliban are unpredictable”

By Ute Kaiser Afghans who have lived in Germany for years are very worried. Also, in the District of Tübingen. They experience the situation in the country at the Hindu Kush as chaotic. They see Afghanistan on the brink of economic collapse. And they hear from their relatives or read in the media that most people are impoverished and many feel threatened. “In Afghanistan, there is no freedom, no security, no work, and no freedom of speech,” says M (all names are known to the editors) when describing the situation in the country. In addition, he says, money is worth… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Corona vaccines are important

The vaccines against the coronavirus are a „major bright spot” in the fight against the pandemic, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany five years ago. She worked as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination. People who get vaccinated lower their risk of an infection or a severe course of the infection considerably. But the vaccinations are also important for society as a whole, she said. If enough people are vaccinated, the virus cannot spread… Read More

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