Sick notes by phone again

Patients with mild symptoms can take sick leave without going to a doctor’s surgery. However, unlike during the coronavirus pandemic, sick leave by phone is only valid for five days. The prerequisites are that patients do not have severe symptoms, the patients are known to the doctor’s surgery and there are no video consultations. This was decided by the joint federal committee of doctors, health insurance companies and clinics. Patients should call the practice. A doctor will call them back and clarify whether they need to come to the practice for an examination after all. Patients must inform their employer… Read More

Fewer paid leave for parents of sick children in 2024

From next year, fathers and mothers will only be able to stay at home for 15 days a year to care for their sick child. For single parents, it will be 30 days. This has been decided by the Bundestag and Bundesrat. During the coronavirus pandemic, the number of sick days for children was increased to 30 days (60 days for single parents). However, there will be no change to the entitlement to child sick pay for those with statutory health insurance: parents who care for sick children under the age of 12 will receive 90 per cent of their… Read More

Get a new health insurance card quickly

Anyone who has lost their health insurance card—the electronic health card eGK—must apply for a new one from their health insurance company. This also applies if the card has been stolen. In both cases, the secret code must also be blocked if the card was equipped with it. If you have to see a doctor while waiting for the new card, the health insurance company with which you are insured will issue a replacement certificate. Replacements usually arrive quickly. “The necessary passport photo is stored with the health insurance company, so you don’t have to submit a new photo,” says… Read More

Where St Nicholas puts presents under the pillow

In Germany, St Nicholas’ main task is to fill boots: Children place boots in front of the door on the night of 6 December and hope that St Nicholas will leave them with sweets and small gifts overnight. However, for some families he only arrives on the evening of St Nicholas’ Day itself: he wears a red coat, a beard and a red hat and hands over the presents personally or reminds children to work harder at school, for example. The rod with which he—or his companion Knecht Ruprecht—threatened previous generations remains outside the door. Christian churches commemorate the anniversary… Read More

More and more refugees have jobs—including as skilled workers

The situation for refugees on the German labor market has changed significantly between 2016 and 2020. 55 percent of refugee men had a job in 2020. Four years earlier, it was only 16 percent. The employees initially started with an unskilled job. However, by 2020, a third of 18- to 65-year-old men had become skilled workers (with several years of training or a comparable qualification). These were the findings of a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and the University of Bamberg. The proportion of refugee women in employment also increased—from 6 percent in 2016 to 17… Read More

The history of punctuation: How punctuation marks became increasingly important

By Oula Mahfouz Punctuation marks – periods, commas, colons, question marks, semicolons (semicolons), brackets, exclamation marks, dashes and quotation marks – are all essential in written communication. They are used to organize texts and make it possible to express thoughts and feelings precisely. Conversely, punctuation marks help considerably to understand texts and to be able to read them out loud. Without punctuation, many sentences are ambiguous and the internet is full of example sentences that can only be understood if a comma is inserted. The history of punctuation spans many centuries and is closely linked to the respective language and… Read More

An ancient coin as a source for the history of Gaza City

By Stefan Krmnicek In our series on ancient coins, an ancient coinage from Gaza City in the coin collection of the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Tübingen is presented in more detail today. Gaza City was one of the most important port cities in the region in antiquity and was conveniently located as the end point of the trade routes for the incense trade from the interior of the Arabian Peninsula. The importance of the city is also underlined by the famous mosaic in the Church of St George in Madaba (Jordan), the oldest surviving cartographic representation… Read More

Minimum wage rises to 12.41 euros in 2024

The minimum wage will rise by 41 cents to 12.41 euros on 1 January 2024. This was decided by the Federal Cabinet. It will be raised by a further 41 cents to 12.82 on 1 January 2025. In doing so, the federal government is implementing the decision of the Minimum Wage Commission. The statutory minimum wage is the absolute wage floor. It has applied to all employees since 2015, with a few exceptions. However, there are special minimum wages in a large number of sectors. For example, temporary workers have been paid at least 13 euros per hour since April… Read More

Natural disasters sometimes lead to archaeological discoveries

By Youssef Kanjou Archaeological monuments are threatened by natural disasters, floods, fires, earthquakes – often as a result of climate change. On the other hand, natural disasters have particularly preserved historical sites, making them ideal witnesses of the past for archaeologists. For example, volcanic eruptions on Santorini and Mount Vesuvius have preserved the important settlements of Old Thera and Pompeii for posterity. What is less well known is that natural disasters have also led to the discovery of particularly interesting archaeological sites. Currently, disasters in Turkey and Libya, for example, have helped to uncover previously unknown archaeological remains. In February… Read More

Import and export when traveling

A passenger did not eat her apple on a flight from Germany to Indonesia. On arrival, inspectors took the fruit away from her. She didn’t know why. The reason: import and export regulations apply when traveling, which can vary from country to country. These regulations govern which items you can and cannot take with you. It is important to find out about the specific rules of your destination country before you travel to avoid unpleasant surprises. Frequently regulated goods include food, plants, animals, alcohol and tobacco products. It is advisable to observe these regulations in order to avoid possible penalties… Read More

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