Kita lingua: Language course for future nursery teachers

In October 2024, a language course will start for people with a migration background who want to train as nursery teachers in daycare centers. The project is a cooperation between the University of Tübingen and the city administration. It is being run for the second time. The participants receive nine months of intensive language tuition in order to reach B2 level. In addition, there are workshops on intercultural competence and early childhood education as well as support with job applications. Participants must live in Tübingen or the surrounding area, have a migration background, be able to demonstrate a B1 language… Read More

Job turbo: work and learn German

For a long time, the rule in Germany was: learn German first, then look for work. The government have now changed their strategy. With the “job turbo”, it is now possible to switch directly to employment after the integration course. Job-related language courses, for example to reach level B2, can then be completed alongside employment. The offer is aimed in particular at refugees from Ukraine, who should be able to earn their own income quickly and become independent of the citizen’s income. This was announced by the Federal Ministry of Labor. This involves closer contact with the job center: Participants… Read More

Studying: German exam before university

Refugees are generally allowed to study in Germany. In particular, those who have been granted asylum or have another secure residence status have good chances. “The same conditions apply to you as to other international prospective students,” says the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research: A lot more information can also be found there. If migrants want to study at a German university, they usually have to prove that they speak German well. However, there are exceptions. If you have a good command of English, you can enrol on an international degree programme or special English-language… Read More

Free Ukrainian language and literature courses at the University of Tübingen

You can now also learn Ukrainian in Tübingen: from 16 October, the Slavic Department of the University is offering free courses in Ukrainian language and literature for students. Ukrainian is taught in German at levels A1 and B1. Ukrainian literature is taught in English. No special textbooks are required for participation. A course lasts one semester. Groups usually consist of no more than 10 students. The following courses in Ukrainian literature are offered: “Introduction to Ukrainian Literature: 20th Century” (Wednesdays 4 to 6 p.m.), “Ukrainian Literature since the Russian invasion in 2014 until today” (Mondays 10 am to 12 pm).… Read More

New language project for refugees who want to study

“Starthilfe Deutsch” is a new project that aims to give particularly gifted young refugees from the Stuttgart area a basic knowledge of German up to language level B1 in academic German courses in a short period of time, thus preparing them for university studies. Subsequently, the participants are to be accepted into scholarship programs for the gifted. Participation in the German courses is free of charge, travel expenses can be covered. Contact: Deutschkolleg Stuttgart /Verein zur Förderung ausländischer Studienbewerber und Studenten Stuttgart e.V., Allmandring 6, 70569 Stuttgart, Tel. 0711 6870 6818,, Further information: Microsoft Word – Deutschkolleg –… Read More

German test for immigrants: new rules

There is a language test especially for immigrants—the German Test for Immigrants (DTZ). With it, they can prove knowledge at levels A2 and B1. Since January 2023, there are new rules. Anyone who wants to take the DTZ exam must either have a valid entitlement to attend an integration course or attend a course section of the integration course beforehand at their own expense. A course section (module) comprises 100 hours of instruction. At the Volkshochschule (VHS) Tübingen, for example, the full-day language exam costs 150 euros. Listeners of the VHS Tübingen, it says on the VHS homepage, get a… Read More

Café Sozial offers space for encounters

Refugees of all nations and Tübingen residents can meet at the Café sozial. The café is located on the first floor of the social services department of the Tübingen city administration at Derendinger Straße 50, where the “International Encounter Café” is held every Monday from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Guests can make new contacts over coffee, tea and pastries, the city said in a press release. There are also offers of information and assistance, as well as a games corner for children. Every Tuesday from 5:30 to 7 p.m., the “Lern-Café” opens with tutoring by volunteers in learning German. The… Read More

Free digital German courses at the VHS

The adult education centers in the state offer free digital German courses with the vhs learning portal. They have also been available in Ukrainian since April. The courses can be used alongside official language and integration courses as well as independently of them. The learning platform is also a way to bridge the time until a language course begins. Beginners and advanced learners can also acquire German for the workplace at different levels. There are also offers to learn writing, reading and arithmetic and to prepare for a school-leaving qualification. The only requirement is to register with an e-mail address… Read More

Learning Café gets going

The Lern-Café-Tübingen starts from April 26th every Tuesday from 17:30 to 19 o’clock in the Café Sozial (Tübingen, Derendinger Straße 50). The Lern-Café Tübingen is a project of the association Menschlichkeit Ulm e.V. At the Lern-Café, people of all nationalities who are in a language course, in vocational school or on their way to university receive tutoring that is individually tailored to their language level. For more information about the Lern-Café go to: Registration for students: Registration for helpers: tun22041901 Der Fachbereich Soziales der Stadt Tübingen ist ab Oktober 2021 in der Derendinger Straße 50, 72072 Tübingen… Read More

First Orientation Course at the Adult Education Center Tübingen

The Volkshochschule Tübingen offers a “First Orientation Course – Welcome to Tübingen!” in March on one morning and one afternoon date. The free course is aimed at refugees aged 18 and older who are still in the asylum process and do not come from a safe country of origin. Those who have only been in Germany for a short time will find help in this course to orient themselves in everyday life and can gain a basic knowledge of the German language. Topics of the course include health and medical care, orientation and local characteristics, German culture and values, as… Read More

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