No more 3G rule in retail

In Baden-Württemberg, there are no longer any retail access restrictions in the current “Alert Level I” – for example, in clothing stores. Previously, only the vaccinated, recovered and tested (3G) were allowed into these stores. However, customers must continue to wear an FFP2 mask while shopping. This is stated in the amended Corona ordinance. This is effective as of Wednesday, February 9th. Anyone going to a restaurant, café, concert or gym will no longer have to provide contact information as of Wednesday. There are exceptions for clubs and discos as well as nursing homes and hospitals. There, contact information must… Read More

Relaxed quarantine rules in schools and daycare centers

In Baden-Württemberg, entire school classes or daycare groups no longer have to be quarantined – not even in the event of major Corona outbreaks and despite rapidly rising infection figures. This was announced by the Ministry of Health. Only kindergarten children and schoolchildren who test positive must isolate themselves at home. If there were infected students in a class, the non-quarantined classmates must test themselves five days in a row. With the new procedure, the state government wants to protect face-to-face classes and ensure “a reasonably regular school and daycare operation,” according to Health Minister Manfred Lucha. If face-to-face instruction… Read More

Changed vaccination timings and mobile promotions

Vaccinations continue in the district of Tübingen. Appointments for the vaccination locations at the Old University Pharmacy in Tübingen at Röntgenweg 9 (daily from 2:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.), at the Old Post Office in Rottenburg at Poststraße 15 (Mondays and Fridays from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., from February 14th only on Fridays) and at the Tonnenhalle in Mössingen at Löwensteinplatz 1 (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., from February 10th only on Thursdays) can be booked online at: Mobile vaccination campaigns without an appointment will be held… Read More

FFP2 masks on buses and trains / End of curfew for unvaccinated people

Baden-Württemberg is changing its Corona rules again. They apply from Friday, January 28. In part, the rules are tightened, in part relaxed. What is new is that FFP2 masks must now also be worn on buses and trains. In restaurants and during sports in halls, an additional test is no longer necessary. The 2G rule applies there, i.e. access for vaccinated and recovered persons. Restaurants are now allowed to stay open longer than 10:30 p.m. again. There are also relaxations for the unvaccinated: They can leave the house again in the evening and at night – as long as fewer… Read More

Country relaxes rules for quarantine

Even convalescents with at least one vaccination against the Corona virus no longer have to be quarantined as contacts. This regulation applies from Wednesday, 26 January. The Ministry of Health of Baden-Württemberg has adapted the regulations on quarantine in the Corona Ordinance to the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute. The following household members and contact persons no longer have to be quarantined: All those who have been vaccinated twice against the Corona virus and whose second vaccination was not less than 15 days and not more than 90 days ago, Those who have recovered and whose PCR evidence of… Read More

Shorter quarantine and FFP2 mask obligation

Baden-Württemberg is changing its Corona rules again. They will apply from Wednesday, 12 January, the state said in a press release. The reason is the very contagious Omikron variant of the virus. What is new is that adults aged 18 and over must wear an FFP2 mask in enclosed spaces such as shops and restaurants. This does not apply in private areas, on public transport, at the workplace and to people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons. The last group, however, needs a doctor’s certificate. In gastronomy, a curfew now applies from 10.30 pm to 6 am. The… Read More

Baden-Württemberg limits contacts in private meetings

The state government in Baden-Württemberg is tightening the Corona rules once again before Christmas. They will apply from Monday, December 20th. In the current alert level II, contacts will be further restricted: If a person who has not been vaccinated or has not recovered attends a private meeting, a household may now only meet with one person from another household. Children and youth under 18 are not counted. Contact restrictions also apply to vaccinated and recovered persons. A maximum of 50 people are allowed to meet indoors, and a maximum of 200 people are allowed to meet outdoors. Again, children… Read More

Celebrating privately at Christmas: it is best to be vaccinated

Anyone who wants to celebrate privately with others at Christmas should ideally be vaccinated. Without vaccination, only one additional person may be added to one’s own household during alert levels I or II, according to the Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg of 3 December 2021. Visitors with full vaccination protection or those who recovered are not included. Their visits are therefore allowed. Persons under the age of 18 are also excluded, as are those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. tun21120502 Ein festlich geschmückter Weihnachtsbaum. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus. Latest information on Corona: Click here

New quarantine rules because of Omicron variant

Baden-Württemberg is tightening quarantine rules because of the new variant of the Corona virus. These rules apply from 15 December. The most important changes: All those tested positive must be quarantined for ten days. This counts from the day the infection was detected by a test. People who have had close contact with people who have tested positive must isolate themselves for 14 days. Those infected with the Omicron variant cannot shorten the quarantine period by testing. For infections with other virus variants, the following applies: those tested positive can only end quarantine prematurely from the seventh day onwards by… Read More

Special vaccination campaign for children

The University Hospital of Tübingen and the district of Tübingen are offering a vaccination against Corona for children. During the special campaign, only five to eleven-year-olds will be vaccinated on the weekend of December 17th to 19th. The Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) recommends vaccination mainly for children with diseases such as diabetes and obesity, and also if they have relatives who could be at risk of a severe case of Corona. At the special request of parents, 5 to 11-year-olds without pre-existing conditions can also be vaccinated. The first children’s vaccination campaign in the district is at the health… Read More

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