Money for blankets and food

Von Brigitte Gisel Earthquake victims in northern Syria are still receiving hardly any outside help. TüNEWS editor Youssef Kanjou organizes support on his own initiative. “We are collecting money for northern Syria because of the earthquake. Because people are not getting enough aid and they don’t have enough food.” The appeal reads breathless, desperate—and that’s the situation. “They are doing very badly,” Dr. Youssef Kanjou says of his mother, brother and family and cousins who live in Jenderes in northwestern Syria near the border with Turkey. “They lost everything,” says the former director of the National Museum of Aleppo, who… Read More

Faster visa appointments for Syrians from earthquake regions

The visa process for Syrians affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria has been eased. Above all, this means faster appointments for the application. People from Syria can apply for visas at German missions in the region—such as Istanbul, Beirut, Amman and Erbil. This was the response of a press spokeswoman of the German Foreign Office (AA) to an inquiry from tünews INTERNATIONAL. There will be more appointments at the visa offices in Beirut and Istanbul for family reunification with Syrian nationals in Germany who are eligible for subsidiary protection, according to the AA website. There will also be… Read More

Germany as a destination for refugees in 2022

In 2022, 1.3 million refugees have arrived in Germany, including more than one million from Ukraine and 245,000 from other countries. Globally, 28.6 million people are currently living as refugees outside their country, according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)—24 percent more than the previous year. The war in Ukraine has caused this sharp increase, with nearly eight million people from Ukraine, mostly women and children, seeking protection in Europe. War refugees from Ukraine are allowed to enter the European Union freely. Most of the refugees from other countries arrived via one of the routes that cross the Mediterranean Sea.… Read More

Driving licence with automatic or manual transmission

Normally, there are two types of car driving licences (class B): either the automatic or the manual car driving licence. Since 1 April 2021, another variant applies. Since then, it has been possible to take a driving test on an automatic car and still drive a manual car later (class B197). The prerequisite for this is training in a driving school of at least 10 hours (45 minutes each) and a 15-minute test drive. In doing so, the respective learner drivers must prove that they are capable of „safe, responsible and environmentally conscious driving“ of a car with a manual… Read More

Help for migrants in the search for housing

People who immigrate from abroad or come to Germany as refugees are confronted with the challenge of looking for and finding a new apartment in Germany. Of course, having your own apartment is part of arriving and staying. However, the search for an apartment is often associated with many difficulties. Especially in the larger cities, housing is scarce and demand is high. The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction (bmwsb) offers help and advice to migrants in their search for housing. In a brochure, there are many tips on how to find your own apartment as quickly as… Read More

Culture from Syrian Cities: German museums show historical rooms

By Abdul Baset Kannawi and Youssef Kanjou The two members of the editorial team and Syrian archaeologists report here on two magnificent historical rooms in German museums. Both served as reception rooms for wealthy Syrian merchants in the cities of Damascus and Aleppo. Since September 2022, the Damascus Room has been open to the public after 25 years of restoration work at the Museum für Völkerkunde in Dresden. It is not known exactly when this state room was created, but it is assumed to be around 1810, because this date is at the end of a famous poem by Imam… Read More

“Klimaterroristen” (climate terrorists) and “Sozialtourismus” (social tourism) are Unwords of the Year 2022

A word can be defamatory or discriminatory. Such a word is called a Unword. Every year, a jury chooses the unwords of the previous year. For the year 2022, the jury put the term “climate terrorists” in first place. Activists for more climate protection would be “criminalised and defamed”, the jury said. By equating them with terrorism, “non-violent forms of protest of civil disobedience and democratic resistance are placed in the context of violence and hostility to the state”. The term “social tourism” came in second place. CDU leader Friedrich Merz had used it pejoratively in connection with people fleeing… Read More

How the Russia-Ukraine war is affecting Nigeria

By Bright Igbinovia The start of Russia’s war of agression on February 24, 2022 has had continuing and serious effects across sectors of Africa’s biggest economy, Nigeria.It has pushed the prices of crude oil, natural gas, aluminium, nickel, medicines, wheat and other commodities to high costs, worsening Nigeria’s economic woes. The conflict in Ukraine, more than 8000 kilometres away from Nigeria, has led to a higher petrol subsidy bill and a surge in the prices of diesel, aviation fuel, cooking gas and some food items. Analysts say this development has pushed up the cost of living for millions of Nigerians… Read More

How to find a doctor

How to find a doctor? This is not only a problem for migrants, but especially for them. There are plenty of commercial providers on the Internet that can help narrow down the search to specialties and locations. This service is also offered by health insurance companies, such as the AOK ( They also provide additional information on medical care. The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung), in which all physicians who treat patients covered by statutory health insurance are organized, also provides information on searching for physicians. ( If you have been referred to a specialist by… Read More

Indians, Chinese, Persians or Arabs: Who invented chess?

By Oula Mahfouz The interest in the origins of the game began with a conversation over a game of chess in the family. “Checkmate, Omar. Do you know that the origin of chess is Arabic, because ‘checkmate’ is Arabic and means ‘the king has died’.” “No, mum, chess comes from India,” the nine-year-old replied. His twelve-year-old brother Mohammad intervened in the discussion and said, “No, you’re both wrong, the game comes from Persia.” The two boys seemed very sure of their opinion. When I looked for the origin of the game, I discovered that there are very different explanations and… Read More

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