Damascus: the home of roses, iris and jasmine

By Oula Mahfouz When the old Damascus house is mentioned, an image of a place filled with the scent of flowers, especially jasmine, iris and Damascus roses, immediately comes to mind. The origin of the Damascus rose is disputed, but it spread from Damascus all over the world and took its name from this city. Poets and writers have sung its praises and it has been mentioned in legends. It first spread in Europe. Drawings of the rose can still be found on the tiles of the Alhambra in Granada in Andalusia. Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil brought it from Damascus. He… Read More

German scholarship program for refugee researchers

The Philipp Schwartz Initiative for Academic Refugees in Germany helps refugee researchers in need of protection from all over the world with scholarships. With a two-year scholarship, which can be extended for a further year, refugee academics can continue their work at German universities and research institutions. The initiative is part of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s programs. Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent qualification, refugee status or proof of a vulnerable situation.  They must not have lived outside their country for more than five years. The application must be submitted via a German university or research institution. Applicants… Read More

Damaskus: die Heimat von Rosen, Iris und Jasmin

Von Oula Mahfouz Wenn vom alten Damaszener Haus die Rede ist, entsteht sofort ein Bild eines Ortes, der von dem Duft von Blumen, besonders Jasmin, Iris und Damaszener Rosen, erfüllt ist. Der Ursprung der Damaszener Rose ist umstritten, doch verbreitete sie sich von Damaskus aus in alle Welt und bekam von dieser Stadt ihren Namen. Dichter und Schriftsteller haben sie besungen, und sie wurde in Legenden erwähnt. Zunächst verbreitete sie sich in Europa. Zeichnungen der Rose finden sich immer noch auf den Fliesen der Alhambra in Granada in Andalusien. Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil brachte sie aus Damaskus. Er brachte auch Oliven,… Read More

Human rights under extreme threat globally

International law is being increasingly disregarded internationally. ‘The rule of law and human rights are under greater threat worldwide than they have been for decades’, writes the human rights organisation Amnesty International in its 2023/24 annual report. ‘We condemn the fact that nationalist, racist and misogynist forces are gaining support worldwide’, says Amnesty Secretary General Julia Duchrow. Because these forces ‘attack the idea of equal dignity and equal rights for all people in word and deed’. Civilians are particularly at risk The report points out that civilians ‘are increasingly defenceless in armed conflicts because governments, security forces and armed groups… Read More

European elections: Eligible voters with a migration background

According to estimates by the Federal Statistical Office, 8.95 million Germans of voting age have a migrant background for the European elections on 9 June, which corresponds to 17 per cent of German voters. Around 1.2 million of them have a Turkish migration background. According to the Federal Office’s definition, people have a migrant background if they themselves or at least one of their parents were not born with German citizenship. For the first time, young people aged 16 and over can also vote in the upcoming EU parliamentary elections. In this age group, the proportion of people with a… Read More

Crossing the border with an automatically extended residence permit

Can Ukrainians expect difficulties crossing the border as their residence permit expires in March 2024? No. The residence permits of refugees from Ukraine who fled Russian aggression and received protection in Germany have been automatically extended. They are valid until March 4, 2025. This was notified in accordance with the Schengen Borders Code (SGK). This means that the Schengen states are informed about the automatic extension of the residence permit in accordance with Section 24 of the Residence Act. A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) responded to a query from tuenews INTERNATIONAL. It was also published… Read More

Europawahl: Wahlberechtigte mit Migrationshintergrund

Nach Schätzungen des Statistischen Bundesamtes haben bei der Europawahl am 9. Juni 8,95 Millionen der Deutschen im Wahlalter einen Migrationshintergrund, das entspricht 17 Prozent der deutschen Wahlberechtigten. Rund 1,2 Millionen von ihnen haben einen türkischen Migrationshintergrund. Nach der Definition des Bundesamtes haben Personen einen Migrationshintergrund, wenn sie selbst oder mindestens ein Elternteil nicht mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit geboren wurden. Erstmals können bei der anstehenden EU–Parlamentswahl auch Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren mit abstimmen. In dieser Altersgruppe ist der Anteil der Personen mit Migrationshintergrund mit 45 Prozent besonders hoch. Es sind rund 413.000 gegenüber 503.000 Personen ohne Migrationshintergrund. Neben den 60 Millionen deutschen… Read More

More than just strikes: what trade unions do

Trade unions are associations that represent the interests of employees. They are organized by sector and negotiate collective agreements with representatives of employers’ associations. In the event of a collective bargaining dispute, they may also call for strike action following a ballot of their members. Any employee can become a member of a trade union. In Germany, there are eight trade unions with around 5.6 million members, which have joined together in the umbrella organization Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB): IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (IG BAU), IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE), Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsgewerkschaft (EVG), Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), IG Metall, Gewerkschaft… Read More

Writing letters in Germany: this is what the envelope should look like

In Germany, letters are part of everyday life—especially when dealing with the authorities. However, new arrivals in Germany often do not know how to address letters correctly so that they reach the recipient quickly. It is also important to stamp the letter correctly. According to Deutsche Post, the following rules apply when labeling an envelope: The sender’s address is at the top left, the recipient’s address is at the bottom right. The address should be at least 15 mm from the left, right and bottom edge and at least 40 mm from the top edge. It is important that the… Read More

Important when changing university: Recognising previous achievements

When changing universities, it is very important for students to have credits already earned at their previous university recognised for their further studies. In order to apply for credit recognition, students usually have to submit a formal application to the new university. This request often includes a list of the courses, examinations and other academic achievements already completed as well as relevant evidence such as transcripts or certificates. The new university then reviews the documents submitted and decides whether to recognise the achievements. Factors such as the consistency of the content of the courses, the quality of previous achievements and… Read More

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