The Corona test is positive: What now?

More and more people are becoming infected with the Corona virus. What should they do? An overview: Quarantine: Anyone who has a positive rapid test or PCR test must immediately be quarantined at home for ten days. This isolation can only be ended after the seventh day with a professional rapid test – for example, at a testing center, pharmacy or family doctor. The prerequisite is that no symptoms have appeared for at least 48 hours. Daycare children and students from the household can be free-tested from the fifth day. All members of the household must be quarantined. They may… Read More

Key to integration

In August 2021, for the first time, more than 500,000 people with refugee backgrounds in Germany were employed: 436,000 were subject to social security contributions, and about 73,000 were part-time employees. These figures were announced by “Mediendienst Integration”. The integration of refugees into the labor market has, therefore, been faster compared to the previous years, as demonstrated by comparative figures from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). Jobs, education and German language skills are considered the most important “keys to integration” in Germany. The high number of employees is all the more remarkable because many refugees lost their jobs, especially… Read More

Ban on plastic bags

From January 1st, 2022, plastic shopping bags will no longer be allowed to be offered in shops throughout Germany. More specifically the ban is on the light plastic carrier bags with a thickness between 15 and 50 micrometer. These are the standard bags that you used to get when you went shopping. Particularly sturdy reusable bags and the thin plastic bags found at fruit and vegetable stands are excluded from the ban. Why aren’t these bags banned as well? The federal government fears that manufacturers will then start packaging more products in plastic again. tun22010404 Ab dem 1. Januar… Read More

More people sought asylum in 2021

Baden-Württemberg registered more refugees again in 2021. 18,356 arrived at the state’s initial reception facilities. In the first Corona year 2020, there were a total of 8,025 asylum seekers. These figures were announced by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice. For comparison: In 2015, when particularly large numbers of people fled Syria, Baden-Württemberg recorded more than 185,000 asylum seekers. According to certain quota rules, other federal states took in just under 2,900 asylum seekers. 15,470 refugees remained in Baden-Württemberg in 2021. Of them, 14,442 applied for asylum for the first time, 1028 made a follow-up asylum application. In the second half… Read More

One insurance for many legal cases

Legal disputes rapidly cost a lot of money. Legal expenses insurance supports insured persons in enforcing their claims. “It covers litigation costs up to agreed sum insured” according to the consumer advice centre. However, there are waiting periods. In most cases, the reason for a legal dispute may not lie until three months after the start of the contract. For whom is legal expenses insurance important? The consumer centre recommends, for example car drivers and tenants to consider whether legal expenses insurance makes sense for them personally and which one. And it advises checking the insurance conditions carefully – ideally… Read More

Pushback “glosses over inhumane processes”

Linguists have named the word “pushback” the “Unwort of the Year 2021”. “Unwort” is a German word that means inappropriate word. The expression, which originated in English, is used for pushing back or pushing back refugees. The idea is to prevent them from crossing borders. The honorary jury at the University of Marburg criticised the word for “glossing over” the process of pushing people back. The foreign word, they say, helps to disguise the violation of human rights and the fundamental right to asylum. Every year since 1991, the jury of the “Sprachkritische Aktion” (Language Critical Initiative) has nominated a… Read More

More rights for customers with internet contracts

The amended law for internet, telephone and mobile phone contracts has been in effect since December 1, 2021. These rules also apply to older contracts and the most important rules are: The phone provider must summarize the contracts in writing before a contract is signed. If a contract was concluded on the phone without this summary, it does not apply until customers have approved the summary. Contracts can continue for a period of 24 months. If the contract is automatically extended, customers can cancel it within one month. If the provider does not adhere to the terms of the contract,… Read More

Deutsche Post has increased postage

Anyone sending a postcard or letter has to pay more since January 1, 2022. Deutsche Post charges 85 cents for a standard letter. Previously, it cost 80 cents. Consumers have to pay one euro for compact letters – five cents more than before. Postcards are even 10 cents more expensive. They now cost 70 cents instead of 60 cents. Detailed information about the new postage rates can be found under the link tun22010401 Briefkasten der Deutschen Post. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona: Click here  

The Syrian regime on trial

On 13 January 2022, the Koblenz Higher Regional Court sentenced Anwar R. to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity and murder. Anwar R. (58) was a colonel in the Syrian intelligence service. In the proceedings, the court dealt overall with the events during the “Arab Spring” in Syria at the beginning of 2011. The court described the reaction of the Syrian regime as a “widespread and systematic attack” against the Syrian civilian population. At the time, the regime established a “Central Office for Crisis Management”. The body was directly subordinate to President Bashar al-Assad. It determined that the security forces… Read More

The pandemic sets refugees back in integration

By Lobna Alhindi and Michael Seifert You can hear it everywhere: Refugees complain that their German language skills are not developing or even regressing due to a year and a half of pandemic. Lobna herself states: “I have the feeling that I have lost contact with the German language. Before the Corona pandemic, I had many contacts with German friends. We met and talked more often. Then, because of the lockdown, we could no longer meet. Even when the situation got better again, we didn’t meet again. On the one hand, people want to protect themselves and their relatives from… Read More

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