Cockroaches in the apartment

Many harmful insects crawl in German apartments. This includes the German cockroach. Some also call them cockroaches or Swabian beetles. They are about 13 to 16 millimeters long, amber in color, have six legs and two long antennae. Although these cockroaches have wings, they can only walk on the ground. During the day they hide between cracks in the walls and furniture. If many cockroaches are visible during the day, this may indicate a larger infestation. Usually they come out at night looking for food in the kitchen. They secrete attractants that smell bad. Some describe the smell as musty, sweet… Read More

Rottenburger Sprachcafé has reopened

In the language café in Rottenburg, refugees and migrants can improve their German skills with volunteers. The Sprach-Café opens every Wednesday from 5.30 p.m. It is in the Atrium building next to the high building on the former DHL site. The visitors determine what and how is learned. There is coffee, cake, pastries and fruit as well as child care. The entire offer can be used free of charge. If you want to come, you have to be vaccinated, recovered or tested on a daily basis. The current corona rules must be adhered to. This is what the refugee commissioner… Read More

State government amends Corona regulations

Baden-Württemberg has simplified its Corona regulations. It will be effective as of Monday, July the 26th. For the district of Tübingen, this does not mean any change as long as the number of infections does not increase. In this region, fewer than ten people per 100,000 inhabitants are being infected within the span of one week (incidence level 1). However, it is further required that everyone over the age of 6 must wear masks indoors. Exceptions are made for private meetings and parties, as well as restaurants and canteens during eating, drinking, and exercising or participating in sporting activities. Outdoors,… Read More

Landesregierung passt Corona-Regeln an

Baden-Württemberg hat die Corona-Verordnung vereinfacht. Sie gilt ab Montag, 26. Juli. Für den Kreis Tübingen ändert sich dadurch nichts, so lange die Zahl der Infektionen nicht steigt. Hier infizieren sich weiterhin weniger als zehn Menschen pro 100.000 EinwohnerInnen innerhalb einer Woche mit dem Virus (Inzidenzstufe 1). Weiter gilt aber, dass alle ab 6 Jahren in geschlossenen Räumen Masken tragen müssen. Ausnahmen sind für private Treffen und Feiern, außerdem Gaststätten und Kantinen während des Essens und Trinkens und der Sport. Im Freien muss eine Maske nur getragen werden, wenn der Mindestabstand von 1,5 Metern zu anderen nicht eingehalten werden kann. Bei… Read More

Help not permitted

Work on the assembly line is tough. Many people in Germany work in the low-cost sector, for example in packaging, in the warehouse or in the production of large companies. Those who are employed by a temporary employment agency often have to to jobs like these. Sameer from Iraq is one of them. He reports that many employees suffer from the working conditions. “Without energy drinks, most of them cannot do their work at this pace.“ For bosses, what counts above all is to manage the workload in the allotted time. “You really have to step on it” – he… Read More

The exhibition shows: Understanding succeeds even without words

“Many languages—one world” is the title of an exhibition in Dußlingen. It will open on Monday, July 26th, at 6 p.m. in the town hall. It shows that the diversity of the world can also be found in Dußlingen. Citizens who speak more than one language answered questions for photos using only their facial expressions and body language. With her portraits, the Tübingen-based photographer Natalia Zumaràn wants to show “that human feelings are universal and can also be understood without words”, as the press release says. After the opening you can talk to the photographer and some of the people… Read More

Housing allowance increase

The federal government has increased the housing allowance for the third time, so that two-person households can receive an increase of 70 euros. This was announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs in a press release. The increase is every two years according to the rent level and consumer prices. It is there to ease housing allowance recipients. 650,000 households who have received housing allowance in the past or for the first time benefit from this. More information in the Ministry’s press release: tun21061801 Stadt Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL/Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona:… Read More

All vaccines available / wait between appointments can be shortened

The Tübingen vaccination center is expanding its range of services. First vaccinations of Biontech, Moderna and Astrazeneca are available now. A vaccination with the Janssen vaccine (Johnson and Johnson) can also be booked, which only needs to be injected once. It is recommended for people aged 60 and over. Initial appointments for a vaccination can be booked at and the vaccine can be selected by the individual. The date for the second vaccination can be set directly at the vaccination center in the Paul-Horn-Arena on the Tübingen festival site. There are also new regulations for the second vaccination. Those… Read More

Kakerlaken in der Wohnung

In deutschen Wohnungen kriechen manch schädliche Insekten. Dazu gehört die Deutsche Schabe. Manche nennen sie auch Küchenschabe, Kakerlake oder Schwabenkäfer. Sie ist etwa 13 bis 16 Millimeter lang, bernsteinfarben, hat sechs Beine und zwei lange Fühler. Obwohl die Schabe Flügel hat, kann sie nur am Boden laufen. Tagsüber versteckt sie sich in Ritzen von Mauern und Möbeln. Wenn schon tagsüber viele Schaben sichtbar sind, deutet das auf einen größeren Befall hin. Normalerweise kommen sie nachts hervor und suchen beispielsweise in der Küche nach Nahrungsmitteln. Schaben sondern Lockstoffe ab, die übel riechen. Manche beschreiben den Geruch als muffig, süß oder wie… Read More

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