Online job search at the employment agency

A reliable portal for independent job search is offered by the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). On the official homepage, individual job offers can be searched for with just a few clicks. The search engine can filter job offers according to a specific occupational field or profession. However, the search can also be narrowed down to a specific city or state. In addition, one can select the desired work format: Full-time or part-time work, online jobs, mini-jobs or work on weekends or night shifts. The portal is presented in German, English and Arabic. For other languages, the automatic translation… Read More

Superstition: Hospitality

According to the definition of the online Duden dictionary, superstition is “a belief in the effectiveness of supernatural forces in certain people and things that are viewed as erroneous”. These include sayings, symbols, and rituals that are used in everyday life. The content differs depending on the culture, and even the region. By the tünews INTERNATIONAL’s editors, we have compiled the following examples from Afghanistan, Syria, and Germany: Many sayings and divinations revolve around hospitality in Arabian and Persian-speaking countries. For example, if a Syrian’s eye blinks, then he hurries to tidy up the home because an important or dear… Read More

Guter Start im neuen Land

Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine sind meist hoch qualifiziert. 17 Prozent sind schon erwerbstätig. Viele der mehr als eine Million Kriegsflüchtlinge aus der Ukraine haben sich in Deutschland schon ganz gut eingelebt – oder sind auf dem Weg dahin. Das geht aus der Studie „Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine in Deutschland“ hervor. Die Forschungsstelle des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) und drei andere Einrichtungen haben dafür 11 000 Personen befragt. Demnach sind 17 Prozent der Geflüchteten bereits erwerbstätig, die Hälfte besucht einen Sprachkurs und 60 Prozent leben in einer eigenen Wohnung. Die meisten bringen gute Voraussetzungen mit, um hier Fuß zu… Read More

استفاده از ماسک در وسایل نقلیه عمومی تا پایان ژانویه اجباری است

برای مثال، بر خلاف ایالت بایرن، استفاده از ماسک در اتوبوس ها و قطارها در بادن-وورتمبرگ باید ادامه یابد. دولت ایالتی فرمان مربوط به کرونا را تا ۳۱ ژانویه ۲۰۲۳ تمدید کرده است. نخست وزیر، وینفرید کرچمن این موضوع را با مسافران بیشتری که از حمل و نقل عمومی در کریسمس استفاده میکنند تأييد کرد. اطلاعات بیشتر درباره پوشیدن ماسک در tun22120802 Masken in der Schule. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus. 000833    

Superstition: good luck and bad luck

According to the definition of the online Duden Dictionary, superstition is “a belief in the effectiveness of supernatural forces in certain people and things that are viewed as erroneous”. These beliefs include sayings, symbols, and rituals that are used in everyday life. The content differs depending on the culture, and even the region. By the tünews INTERNATIONAL’s editors, we have compiled the following examples from Afghanistan, Syria, and Germany: This custom from Syria is considered a good omen for marriage: before the wedding, the bride sticks a piece of dough at the entrance of her husband’s house. Dough that sticks… Read More

Offset inflation a little

Employers can voluntarily pay employees up to 3000 euros. This is provided for by the inflation compensation bonus. Until 31 December 2024, the bonus can be paid in addition to wages free of tax and social security contributions—also in partial amounts. The bonus will not be counted as income in the case of income-related social benefits (e.g. unemployment benefit II). This is stated by the federal government in a press release. The inflation compensation premium is part of the third federal relief package. See tun22121501 Geldscheine und Münzen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. 000987    

استبدال تقويم النفايات الورقي بتطبيق النفايات والتقويم عبر الإنترنت

لن يتلقى سكان منطقة توبنغن تقويماً مطبوعاً للنفايات في هذا العام. تم الإعلان عن ذلك من قبل مكتب المقاطعة في بيان صحفي. يمكن الآن العثور على تواريخ جمع القمامة المحلية عبر الإنترنت على الرابط إذا قمت بالنقر فوق “التذكير بالبريد” في هذه الصفحة، فيمكن تذكيرك بشكل مجاني بتاريخ جمع القمامة عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني. يتم تقديم هذه الخدمة أيضا من خلال “تطبيق النفايات” الخاص بشركة إدارة النفايات، والذي يمكن تنزيله من خلال الرابط التالي وبذلك يمكن تذكيرك بسهولة بمواعيد جمع القمامة. من لا يستطيع استخدام أي من الخيارات المتاحة عبر الإنترنت، يمكن الحصول على تقويم مطبوع من البلدية… Read More

Was Elif und Omar Ali bei der Zeitarbeit erlebten

Von Brigitte Gisel Chancen und Risiken von Leiharbeit. Welche Regeln gelten und wo man sich informieren kann. Auf seine frühere Zeitarbeitsfirma ist Elif (Name geändert) nicht gut zu sprechen. „Als ich nach meiner Coronaerkrankung wieder in den Betrieb kam, hat mich der Schichtleiter heimgeschickt“, erzählt der junge Afghane. Man habe ihm gesagt, der Betrieb wolle ganz sicher gehen, dass Elif trotz negativer Tests niemand anstecken werde. Der junge Afghane tat wie ihm befohlen, doch bei der Lohnabrechnung am Ende des Monats fehlten plötzlich drei Tage. Als er nachfragte, hieß es, er habe ja schließlich weder gearbeitet noch sei er krankgeschrieben… Read More

Superstition: money and symbols

According to the definition of the online Duden Dictionary, superstition is “a belief in the effectiveness of supernatural forces in certain people and things that are viewed as erroneous”. These include sayings, symbols, and rituals that are used in everyday life. The content differs depending on the culture, often even the region. By the tünews INTERNATIONAL’s editors, we have compiled the following examples from Afghanistan, Syria, and Germany: Afghanistan and Syria believe that a tickle in the left hand will bring money to the person. With the tickle of the right hand, on the other hand, one expects soon to… Read More

Right to a day care place without exception

Parents have the right to a day care place—even if there is a lack of staff in a day care centre. In such cases, more children would have to be cared for than originally planned, for example, by means of a temporary exemption. This was decided by the Administrative Court in Mannheim. The case in question concerned working parents in Böblingen. They had unsuccessfully applied for a day-care place for their daughter, who was four years old in December. A lack of capacity must not restrict the general entitlement to a day-care place. Therefore, the parents must be offered a… Read More

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